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The following you'll find more information regarding your employment at Pinpoint! Like always, if you have any questions, feel free to ping @John on Slack or share your thoughts in #OrgDev!

Table of Contents

  1. At-Will Employment Policy
  2. Equal Opportunity Employment
  3. Code of Conduct
  4. Drug and Alcohol Policy
  5. Complaint Policy
  6. Working Remotely
  7. Employee Privacy

At-Will Employment Policy

Your employment with the Pinpoint is "AT WILL". This means that you are free to terminate your employment at any time, with or without cause and the company has a right to terminate your employment at any time as well, with or without cause.

No one in the company other than the CEO has the authority to alter your at-will status or to enter into any agreement for employment for a specified period of time or to make any agreement contrary to this policy. Only the CEO may do so, and only in a written agreement signed by both the CEO and you.

Feel free to connect with Jeff if you have any questions.

Equal Opportunity Employment

PinPT INC is an Equal Opportunity Employer. The company supports diversity and inclusion in its core values and does not discriminate against qualified employees or applicants because of race, color, religion, gender identity, sex, sexual preference, sexual identity, pregnancy, national origin, ancestry, citizenship, age, marital status, physical disability, mental disability, medical condition, military status, or any other characteristic protected by federal or state law or local ordinance. When necessary, the company will reasonably accommodate employees and applicants with disabilities if the person is otherwise qualified to safely perform all of the essential functions of the position.

Code of Conduct

This code of conduct applies to community members and Pinpoint team members in all Pinpoint communities online (including but not limited to Slack, support chat, the Pinpoint Community Slack group, Twitter, Facebook, and other social networking services), in the Pinpoint office, and at all events hosted by Pinpoint.

Our community is dedicated to creating an inclusive environment for everyone, regardless of race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, color, sex (with or without sexual conduct and including pregnancy and sexual orientation involving transgender status/gender identity, and sex-stereotyping), national origin, age, disability (physical or mental), genetic information, sexual orientation, gender identity, parental status, marital status, and political affiliation as well as gender expression, mental illness, socioeconomic status or background, neuro(a)typicality, physical appearance, body size, computing experience, or clothing. Consider that calling attention to differences can feel alienating.

We do not tolerate harassment of community members in any form. Harassment includes offensive verbal comments related to the protected classes above, sexual images in public spaces, deliberate intimidation, stalking, following, photography or audio/video recording against reasonable consent, sustained disruption of talks or other events, inappropriate physical contact, and unwelcome sexual attention. Harassment does not need to be recognized as unwanted or unwelcome by anyone other than the person being harassed.

Be careful in the words that you choose. Remember that sexist, racist, and other exclusionary jokes can be offensive to those around you. Offensive jokes are not appropriate and will not be tolerated under any circumstance.

Participants asked to stop any harassing behavior are expected to comply immediately. Community members violating these rules may be sanctioned or removed from community spaces. If you are being harassed, notice that someone else is being harassed, or have any other concerns, please contact John or one of the other founders immediately.

Adapted from the Hack Code of Conduct.

Drug and Alcohol Policy

Our priority at Pinpoint is to create a safe, comfortable, and productive environment for everyone we work with. We realize that drugs and alcohol can contribute to a culture of harassment or one that feels unsafe for some employees, even as it can foster camaraderie and friendship among others. Above all other considerations, our drug and alcohol policy is intended to preempt and avoid harassment and make work at Pinpoint feel safe.

It is the responsibility of every employee to ensure that their individual consumption is not making anyone else feel uncomfortable or unsafe.

Employees who violate this policy may face disciplinary action, up to and including termination. Alcohol in the form of beer or wine may occasionally be brought into the office to celebrate an accomplishment, birthday, or other milestone. Though events at the Pinpoint office will be presumed dry until otherwise discussed, there may also be events in the office after work where beer or wine are available.

Illegal drugs should not be used, bought, sold, or distributed while at work, either in the office or outside of the office while representing Pinpoint.

Complaint Policy

Pinpoint is committed to creating a safe work environment that is free of threats to the health, safety, and wellbeing of the people who work here. That includes (but isn’t limited to) harassment, discrimination, violation of health and safety rules, and violence.

Pinpoint has an open-door policy, so employees are encouraged to report work-related concerns. If something about your job is bothering you, or if you have a question, concern, idea, or problem related to your work, please discuss it with the founder you report to as soon as possible. If for any reason you don’t feel comfortable discussing it with them, feel free to raise the issue with any other founder.

Any employee who witnesses or is subject to inappropriate conduct in the workplace can report it to John or any of the Pinpoint founders. We encourage employees to come forward with any workplace complaint, even if it’s not about something that’s explicitly covered in our written policies.

Once a complaint has been made, the founders will meet and determine how to handle it. If one or more of the founders is the subject of the complaint, the remaining founder(s) will determine how to handle it. Any reports of a founder engaging in harassment or gross misconduct will trigger an outside investigator. With the employee’s permission, we will conduct a complete and impartial investigation, which may involve an outside investigator in serious cases. All complaints will be handled as confidentially as possible. When the investigation is complete, the company will take corrective action if appropriate.

We will not engage in or allow retaliation against any employee who makes a good faith complaint or participates in an investigation. If you believe that you are being subjected to any kind of negative treatment because you made or were questioned about a complaint, report the conduct immediately to the founders.

Currently, Pinpoint is too small to have an internal group or department that can independently respond to complaints, so if the founders are named in complaints, they will do their best to hold one another accountable. Where appropriate, the founders will engage a third party to conduct a thorough investigation and recommend corrective action, where necessary.

Working Remotely

Currently we do not have a physical home office! This means that we fully trust you to do a kickass job, regardless of where you are physically. 🔥 💣 👍

Employee Privacy

Workspace Privacy

As an employer, it is Pinpoint’s goal to monitor or track our employees in as few ways as possible. We want Pinpoint employees to feel a sense of ownership towards their personal workspaces and be comfortable at the office. However, in order to ensure the safety and wellbeing of Pinpoint employees, company property (e.g. desks, laptops, and other devices) is subject to search. For instance, this might be used if management learns that an employee has brought a gun to work or has stolen company property.

This means that while the company will always try to respect employee privacy, employees do not have a right to privacy in their workspaces in any property that belongs to Pinpoint. Pinpoint reserves the right to search company property at any time, without warning, to ensure compliance with our policies, including those that cover employee safety, workplace violence, harassment, theft, and possession of prohibited items. If you use a lock on any item of company property, you must give a copy of the key or combination to one of the founders.

Email and Internet Privacy

Pinpoint email and Internet are not being actively monitored by anyone, but because they are company resources that are managed according to company policy, you should not expect privacy from either. The company has both the ability and the right to look at employee usage for both in order to protect employee safety and wellbeing, as well as company property and interests.

Email Is Not Private

Email messages, including attachments, sent and received from a Pinpoint email address are the property of Pinpoint. We reserve the right to access, monitor, read, and/or copy email messages at any time, for any reason. You should not expect privacy for any email you send using your Pinpoint email, including messages that you consider to be personal or label with a designation such as “Personal” or “Private.”

Use of the Email System for Personal Email

The email system is intended for official Company business. If you send personal messages through the Company’s email system, you must exercise discretion as to the number and type of messages you send. You must also ensure that your personal use of the email system does not interfere in any way with your job duties or performance.

All Conduct Rules Apply to Email

All of our policies and rules of conduct apply to employee use of the email system. This means, for example, that you may not use the email system to send harassing or discriminatory messages, including messages with explicit sexual content or pornographic images; to send threatening messages; or to reveal company trade secrets.

Professional Tone and Content

We expect you to exercise discretion in using electronic communications equipment. When you send email using a Pinpoint email address or Pinpoint social account, you are representing Pinpoint. Make sure that your messages are professional and appropriate, in tone and content. Remember, although email or social media may seem like a private conversation, they can be printed, saved, and forwarded to unintended recipients. You should not send any email/message/update/etc. that you wouldn’t want our team, your family, or our competitors to read.

Email Security

To avoid email viruses, phishing for account information, and other threats, employees should not open email attachments from people and businesses they don’t recognize, particularly if the email appears to have been forwarded multiple times or has a nonexistent or peculiar subject heading. Even if you know the sender, do not open an email attachment that has a strange name or is not referenced in the body of the email; it may have been transmitted automatically, without the sender’s knowledge.

If you believe your computer has been infected by a virus, worm, or other security threat to Pinpoint’s system, you must inform the founders immediately.

Employees may not share their email passwords with anyone, including coworkers or family members. Revealing passwords to the Company’s email system could allow an outsider to attack the Pinpoint network

Internet Use Is Not Private

We reserve the right to monitor employee use of the Internet at any time. You should not expect that your use of the Internet—including but not limited to the sites you visit, the amount of time you spend online, and the communications you have—will be private.