A simple ticker written within the MooTools framework
Javascript snippet to initialize the class:
window.addEvent("domready", function() {
var T = new SimpleMooTicker({
container: document.id("wrapper"),
step: 5,
periodical: 100
HTML snippet:
<div id="wrapper">
<li>First ticker message <a href="#">and a link</a></li>
<li>Second ticker message <a href="#">and a link</a></li>
<li>Third ticker message <a href="#">and a link</a></li>
<li>Fourth ticker message <a href="#">and a link</a></li>
<li>Fifth ticker message <a href="#">and a link</a></li>
container: (string||object) reference to div dom element container | required
autostart: (boolean) wether the scrolling of the ticker should autostart or not | default: true
animation: (string) wether the ticker text should "scroll" or "fade" | default: "scroll"
steps: (integer) how many pixels to the left should the ticker take each iteration when "animation: scroll" is chosen | default: 5 pixels
duration: (integer) amount of miliseconds between each iteration | default 100 miliseconds
NB! the duration should NOT be lower than 1000 when chosing "animation: fade"
The following methods are availible publicly:
animate(): perform the desired animation between each ticker message
start(): starts animating the ticker
stop(): halts animating the ticker
Version 1
* Ready for release