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404 lines (271 loc) Β· 12.5 KB

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404 lines (271 loc) Β· 12.5 KB


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A 20tab project.

🧩 Requirements

The Talos script can be run either using Docker or a Python virtual environment.

πŸ‹ Docker

In order to run Talos via Docker, a working Docker installation is the only requirement.

🐍 Virtual environment

In order to run Talos in a virtual environment, first clone the repository in a local projects directory and ensure it is your current directory:

cd ~/projects
git clone [email protected]:20tab/talos.git
cd talos

Then, create and activate a virtual environment and install the requirements:

python3.12 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools
python3 -m pip install -r requirements/common.txt

The terraform cli package is required, unless you want to generate a project only locally. To install it we suggest to use the official install guide.

πŸ”‘ Credentials (optional)

🌊 DigitalOcean

If DigitalOcean is chosen for deployment, a Personal Access Token with write permission is required.
Additionally, if DigitalOcean Spaces is the chosen media storage backend, a pair of Spaces access keys is required. Digital Ocean Personal Access Token

Note: all credentials can be generated in the DigitalOcean API configuration section.
⚠️ Beware that the token is shown only once after creation.

🦊 GitLab

If the GitLab integration is enabled, a Personal Access Token with api permission is required.
It can be generated in the GitLab User Settings panel. GitLab Personal Access Token

Note: the token can be generated in the Access Tokens section of the GitLab User Settings panel.
⚠️ Beware that the token is shown only once after creation.

🌎 Terraform Cloud

If the Terraform Cloud integration is enabled, a User API token is required.
Terraform Cloud API Token

Note: ⚠️ Beware that the token is shown only once after creation.

πŸš€οΈ Quickstart

Change to the projects directory, for example:

cd ~/projects

πŸ‹ Docker

docker run --interactive --tty --rm --volume $PWD/.dumps:/app/.dumps --volume $PWD/.logs:/app/.logs --volume $PWD:/data 20tab/talos:latest

Note: On a non-AMD64 architecture, --platform linux/amd64 can be passed to force emulation.

🐍 Virtual environment

source talos/.venv/bin/activate

⚠️ Provisioning

The first run is manual, made from GitLab Pipeline. Use orchestrator generated README for more details.


Project name: My Project Name
Project slug [my-project-name]:
Backend type (django, none) [django]:
Backend service slug [backend]:
Frontend type (nextjs, none) [nextjs]:
Frontend service slug [frontend]:
Deploy type (digitalocean-k8s, other-k8s) [digitalocean-k8s]:
Terraform backend (terraform-cloud, gitlab) [terraform-cloud]:
Terraform host name []:
Terraform Cloud User token:
Terraform Organization: my-organization-name
Do you want to create Terraform Cloud Organization 'my-organization-name'? [y/N]:
Choose the environments distribution:
  1 - All environments share the same stack (Default)
  2 - Dev and Stage environments share the same stack, Prod has its own
  3 - Each environment has its own stack
 (1, 2, 3) [1]:
Do you want to enable the monitoring stack? [y/N]:
DigitalOcean token:
Do you want to configure DNS records? (BEWARE: NS must be set accordingly) [y/N]:
Development environment complete URL []:
Staging environment complete URL []:
Production environment complete URL []:
Do you want Traefik to generate SSL certificates? [Y/n]:
Let's Encrypt certificates email: [email protected]
Do you want to use Redis? [y/N]:
Kubernetes cluster DigitalOcean region [fra1]:
Database cluster DigitalOcean region [fra1]:
Database cluster node size [db-s-1vcpu-2gb]:
Media storage (digitalocean-s3, aws-s3, local, none) [digitalocean-s3]:
Do you want to use Sentry? [y/N]:
Do you want to use Pact? [y/N]:
Do you want to use GitLab? [Y/n]:
GitLab group slug [my-project-name]:
Make sure the GitLab "my-project-name" group exists before proceeding. Continue? [y/N]: y
GitLab private token (with API scope enabled):
Comma-separated GitLab group owners []:
Comma-separated GitLab group maintainers []:
Comma-separated GitLab group developers []:
DigitalOcean Spaces region [fra1]:
S3 Access Key ID:
S3 Secret Access Key:
Initializing the orchestrator service:
...cookiecutting the service
...generating the .env file
...creating the GitLab repository and associated resources
...creating the Terraform Cloud resources
Initializing the backend service:
...cookiecutting the service
...generating the .env file
...formatting the cookiecut python code
...compiling the requirements files
	- common.txt
	- test.txt
	- local.txt
	- remote.txt
	- base.txt
...creating the '/static' directory
...creating the GitLab repository and associated resources
...creating the Terraform Cloud resources
Initializing the frontend service:
...cookiecutting the service
...generating the .env file
...creating the GitLab repository and associated resources
...creating the Terraform Cloud resources

πŸ—’οΈ Arguments

The following arguments can be appended to the Docker and shell commands

User id


Group id


Output directory


Project name

--project-name="My project name"

Project slug


Project dirname


πŸŽ–οΈ Services

Backend type

Value Description Argument
django --backend-type=django
none the backend service will not be initialized --backend-type=none

Backend service slug


Backend service port


Frontend type

Value Description Argument
nextjs --frontend-type=nextjs
none the frontend service will not be initialized --frontend-type=none

Frontend service slug


Frontend service port


πŸ“ Architecture

Deploy type

Value Description Argument
digitalocean-k8s DigitalOcean --deployment-type=digitalocean-k8s
other-k8s Other Kubernetes --deployment-type=other-k8s

Terraform backend

Name Argument
Terraform Cloud --terraform-backend=terraform-cloud
GitLab --terraform-backend=gitlab
Terraform Cloud required argument

Terraform Cloud create organization


Disabled args --terraform-cloud-organization-create-skip

Environments distribution

Choose the environments distribution:

Value Description Argument
1 All environments share the same stack (Default) --environments-distribution=1
2 Dev and Stage environments share the same stack, Prod has its own --environments-distribution=2
3 Each environment has its own stack --environments-distribution=3

Project Domain

If you don't want DigitalOcean DNS configuration the following args are required


Media storage

Value Description Argument
digitalocean-s3 DigitalOcean Spaces are used to store media DigitalOcean Media storage
aws-s3 AWS S3 are used to store media --media-storage=aws-s3
local Docker Volume are used to store media --media-storage=local
none Project have no media --media-storage=none

🌊 DigitalOcean Kubernetes

DigitalOcean API Slugs DigitalOcean Database Slugs

DigitalOcean Token


Media storage


Project Domain

If you want DigitalOcean DNS configuration the following args are required

Kubernetes cluster DigitalOcean region


Database cluster DigitalOcean region


Database cluster DigitalOcean node size



For enabling monitoring the following arguments are needed:

if project domain is managed use


else use



For enabling redis integration the following arguments are needed:


Disabled args --no-redis

☸️ Other Kubernetes

Kubernetes cluster CA certificate


Kubernetes host


Kubernetes token



--postgres-image=postgres:14 --postgres-persistent-volume-capacity=10Gi --postgres-persistent-volume-claim-capacity="" --postgres-persistent-volume-host-path={{postgres-persistent-volume-host-path}}



🦊 GitLab

⚠️ Important: Make sure the GitLab group exists before creating. >

For enabling gitlab integration the following arguments are needed:


Add user to repository using comma separeted arguments

--gitlab-group-owners=user1, [email protected]
--gitlab-group-maintainers=user1, [email protected]
--gitlab-group-developers=user1, [email protected]

πŸ‘¨β€βš–οΈ Pact

For enabling pact the following arguments are needed:


πŸͺ– Sentry

For enabling sentry integration the following arguments are needed:


If the project has a backend service, the following argument is needed:


If the project has a frontend service, the following argument is needed:


πŸ”‡ Quiet

No confirmations shown.
