Releases: 1N3/Sn1per
Releases · 1N3/Sn1per
Sn1per v8.2 by @xer0dayz
- v8.2 - Added root priv check to sniper script to run
- v8.2 - Added NMap port change notifications via Slack
- v8.2 - Fixed issue with firefox not loading on Kali Linux 2020.1
- v8.2 - Fixed issue with Masswebscan mode not working
- v8.2 - Added Rails file exposure exploit CVE-2019-5418
- v8.2 - Updated wordlist selections to fingerprint common vulnerable applications
- v8.2 - Added h8mail compromised credentials check to OSINT (-o) mode
- v8.2 - Added Kali start menu app & icon for Sn1per
- v8.2 - Added check for insecure SSL/TLS connections
- v8.2 - Added NMAP_OPTIONS setting in ~/.sniper.conf to configure optional NMap settings
- v8.2 - Fixed issue with ManageEngine MSF exploit payload
- v8.2 - Added Spyse sub-domain enumeration tool (
- v8.2 - Fixed issue with Subjack (open /src/ no such file or directory)
Sn1per v8.1 by @xer0dayz
- v8.1 - Added Citrix Gateway Arbitary Code Execution CVE-2019-19781 vulnerability detection
- v8.1 - Added Pulse Secure VPN Arbitrary File Disclosure CVE-2019-11510 exploit
- v8.1 - Added --data-length=50 for NMap IPS evasion
- v8.1 - Removed NMap vulscan script due to F+ results
- v8.1 - Fixed issue with CRT.SH sub-domain retrieval
- v8.1 - Updated Kali Linux keyring package
- v8.1 - Fixed "[: ==: unary operator expected" in all code
- v8.1 - Updated Sn1per Professional autoload settings
- v8.1 - Updated web brute force wordlists
- v8.1 - Removed null and debug errors from passive spider API output
- v8.1 - Updated Commoncrawl index repo
- v8.1 - Updated DockerFile repository
- v8.1 - Fixed issue with -dh flag to delete host with Sn1per Pro v8.0
- v8.1 - Fixed issue with subfinder missing
- v8.1 - Fixed issue with 7zip missing
- v8.1 - Added check for Ubuntu to automatically
Sn1per v8.0 by @xer0dayz
- v8.0 - Added ASnip tool to retrieve ASN's via 'recon' mode
- v8.0 - Added Shodan sub-domain lookup
- v8.0 - Added script timeout flag for NMap scripts
- v8.0 - Fixed issue with dnsenum getting stuck on gathering dns info stage
- v8.0 - Added option to force upgrade/ without user prompt (ie. ./ force)
- v8.0 - Fixed issue with theHarvester package on Ubuntu systems
- v8.0 - Fixed error "[: ==: unary operator expected" in all modes
- v8.0 - Added net-tools package for Ubuntu OS deps
Sn1per v7.4 by @xer0dayz
- v7.4 - Added LDAP anomyous search to port 389/tcp checks (Shoutout @D0rkerDevil)
- v7.4 - Added Java RMI dump registry scan checks and exploits to port 8001/tcp (Shoutout @D0rkerDevil)
- v7.4 - Added CheckPoint Firewall-1 SecuRemote Topology Service Hostname Disclosure MSF module
- v7.4 - Added virtualhost scanning via web mode
- v7.4 - Added Gobuster
- v7.4 - Addd URLCrazy DNS alterations check to OSINT mode
- v7.4 - Added Ultratools Whois Lookups to OSINT mode
- v7.4 - Added Email Retreival to OSINT mode
- v7.4 - Added Metasploit OSINT email retrieval to OSINT mode
- v7.4 - Added Hackertarget URL API retrieval to web modes
- v7.4 - Fixed error in massvulnscan mode
- v7.4 - Fixed issue with not running
- v7.4 - Added reverse whois DNS search via AMass
- v7.4 - Added MassDNS IP's to master sorted IP list
- v7.4 - Fixed issue with MassDNS installation
- v7.4 - Fixed bad path with DNSGen
- v7.4 - Fixed issue with AMass not running
- v7.4 - Improved performance of AltDNS/DNSgen/MassDNS retrieval
- v7.4 - Changed setting to use chrome browser and increased timeout
- v7.4 - Fixed issue with missing xmlstarlet package for OpenVAS scans
- v7.4 - Improved active web spider URL consolidation
Sn1per v7.3 by @xer0dayz
- v7.3 - Added CVE-2019-15107 Webmin <= 1.920 - Unauthenticated RCE MSF exploit
- v7.3 - Added massdns plugin
- v7.3 - Added altdns plugin
- v7.3 - Added dnsgen plugin
- v7.3 - Updated web file/dir wordlists from public exploits and honeypots
- v7.3 - Added time stamps to all commands
- v7.3 - Removed CloudFront from domain hijacking checks
- v7.3 - Removed snmp-brute.nse script due to scan issues
- v7.3 - Fixed issue with discover scan workspace names
- v7.3 - Fixed issue with DockerFile (sed: can't read /usr/bin/msfdb: No such file or directory)
- v7.3 - Fixed issue with installer on docker not having pip installed
- v7.3 - Fixed issue with port 161 not being referenced correctly in scans
Sn1per v7.2 by @xer0dayz
- v7.2 - Added experimental OpenVAS API integration
- v7.2 - Improved Burpsuite 2.x API integration with vuln reporting
- v7.2 - Added API integration to recon mode scans
- v7.2 - Added Cisco IKE Key Disclosure MSF exploit
- v7.2 - Added JBoss MSF vuln scanner module
- v7.2 - Added Apache CouchDB RCE MSF exploit
- v7.2 - Added IBM Tivoli Endpoint Manager POST Query Buffer Overflow exploit
- v7.2 - Added Java RMI MSF scanner
- v7.2 - New scan mode "vulnscan"
- v7.2 - New scan mode "massportscan"
- v7.2 - New scan mode "massweb"
- v7.2 - New scan mode "masswebscan"
- v7.2 - New scan mode "massvulnscan"
- v7.2 - Added additional Slack API notification settings
- v7.2 - Improved NMap port detection and scan modes
- v7.2 - Fixed issue with Censys API being enabled by default
- v7.2 - Fixed verbose errors in subjack/subover tools
- v7.2 - Fixed issue with NMap http scripts not working
Sn1per v7.1 by @xer0dayz
- v7.1 - Added KeepBlue CVE-2019-0708 MSF scanner
- v7.1 - Added automatic workspace generation for single target scans
- v7.1 - Added new API integration script
- v7.1 - Added differential Slack notifications for new domains, new URL's and various scan outputs
- v7.1 - Added vulners and vulscan NMap scripts
- v7.1 - Added installer and support for Debian, Parrot and Ubuntu OS ( (CC. @imhaxormad)
- v7.1 - Fixed various issues with the DockerFile
- v7.1 - Fixed/added Metasploit LHOST/LPORT values to all exploits based on sniper.conf settings
- v7.1 - Fixed issue with Amass/Golang 1.11 not installing correctly
Sn1per v7.0 by @xer0dayz
v7.0 - Added "webscan" mode for automated Burpsuite 2.x and Arachni web application scans only
v7.0 - Added Slack API notifications (Disabled by default..check ~/.sniper.conf)
v7.0 - Added new command switch to add daily, weekly or monthly sniper scheduled scans... check README
v7.0 - Added scheduled scan tasks command switch (Needs additional configuration to setup... check README)
v7.0 - Added Axis2 authenticated deployer MSF exploit
v7.0 - Added Axis2 login brute force module
v7.0 - Added subjack tool to check for subdomain hijacking
v7.0 - Added sorted IP lists under $LOOT_DIR/ips/ips-all-sorted.txt
v7.0 - Added subnet retrieval for all 'recon' mode scans under $LOOT_DIR/nmap/subnets-$TARGET.txt
v7.0 - Added and disabled cutycapt from default config
v7.0 - Added Gobuster (Disabled by default..check ~/.sniper.conf)
v7.0 - Fixed issue with SubOver not working due to bad path
v7.0 - Fixed issue with flyover mode running 2x
Sn1per v6.2 by @xer0dayz
- v6.2 - Added Glassfish Admin traversal MSF exploit
- v6.2 - Added ElasticSearch Java Injection MSF RCE exploit
- v6.2 - Added WebTech web fingerprinting tool
- v6.2 - Added censys subdomain retrieval and API key config
- v6.2 - Added project sonar sub-domain retrieval
- v6.2 - Added command switch to remove workspace (-d)
- v6.2 - Added command switch to remove host (-dh)
- v6.2 - Added DockerFile to run Sn1per in Docker (CC. Hariom Vashisth [email protected])
- v6.2 - Changed option to automatically import all NMap XML's into Metasploit's DB
- v6.2 - Changed option to automatically load Sn1per Professional's report when scans complete
- v6.2 - Added config option to enable/disable subdomain hijacking checks in sniper.conf
- v6.2 - Fixed issue with sniper --list command having invalid reference
- v6.2 - Fixed issue with theharvester not running
Sn1per v6.1 by @xer0dayz
- v6.1 - Added automated web scanning via Burpsuite Pro 2.x API for all 'web' mode scans
- v6.1 - Added Waybackmachine URL retrieval to all web scans
- v6.1 - Converted all exploits to Metasploit
- v6.1 - Added configuration options to set LHOST/LPORT for all Metasploit exploits in sniper.conf
- v6.1 - Added improved web brute force dictionaries for all modes
- v6.1 - Added individual logging for all tools under the loot directory
- v6.1 - Added new sniper.conf options to enabled/disable all plugins and change settings per user
- v6.1 - Fixed issue with CMSMap install/usage
- v6.1 - Fixed issue with WPScan gem dependency missing (public_suffix)
- v6.1 - Fixed timeout setting in cutycapt
- v6.1 - Fixed issue with theharvester not running correctly
- v6.1 - Fixed issue with Amass not running due to invalid command line options in latest release
- v6.1 - Fixed issue with Sn1per Professional notepad.html missing
- v6.1 - Cleaned up plugins and install dependencies list